
All posts for the month December, 2015

Do you have a tarot enthusiast on your list? I used to collect, and have been considering doing so again, because the art is fantastic. I used to read, but my growing skepticism finally made me uncomfortable with the practice. I still have the same deck I started with 35 years ago.

For your delectation, here are some lovely decks.

Lowbrow Tarot

Lowbrow Tarot

The Lowbrow Tarot only includes the major arcana, but that’s 22 works by folks like Kris Kuksi and Molly Crabapple. Delish.

Shadowscapes Tarot

Shadowscapes Tarot

Stephanie Pui-Min Law is one of my favorite artists, and collecting her tarot deck is at the top of my list.

Gothic Tarot

Gothic Tarot

I found the Gothic Tarot on Midnight Syndicate‘s site when I was buying their new Christmas disk. Joseph Varga’s art is classic Gothic monsters and mayhem.

Penny Dreadful Tarot

Penny Dreadful Tarot

These are the cards that inspired this post. I was watching the show, and greatly admired the simple, beautiful designs by Anaïs Chareyre.

Choose your deck, and find out if your days will be merry and bright…or not.

Because my posting schedule has been either altered or erratic for a few months, I got way behind on shopping links. But that’s a good thing, because now you’ll have lots of holiday gift ideas for your creepy friends!

Cthulhu tree topper

Cthulhu tree topper

Blood Milk Jewels

Blood Milk Jewels

Lost Apostle

Lost Apostle



Piratemask (via Pumpkinrot)

Piratemask (via Pumpkinrot)

Creature Cups (via Goth Shopaholic)

Creature Cups (via Goth Shopaholic)





Mystical Threads

Mystical Threads