
All posts by frykitty

All-glass necklace with spun side pieces and a prismatic center bead.

Just figured out why I’m seeing a lot of Bruce St. John Maher pieces on eBay. Turns out he died about a year ago. He was 70, so not terrible innings, but living forever would have been better.

Maher was a pioneer in glass making, inventing the kiln techniques he used to create his work. He was also a gay rights activist in the SF Bay area.

If you search for him now on eBay, you’ll find a bunch of very under-priced necklaces. They even have a bit of stained glass! Tiger-Tiger also has a bunch of pieces, at more usual prices. I am glad to have the two pieces pictured here. I don’t think I’ll buy any more, as I would just be collecting it, and his work deserves to be seen by the masses.

Glittering prismatic glass bead with an orange band on the rim.

It’s that time of year again! That time when I get the urge to buy Halloween creations from wonderful artists. I’ll be getting one or two things a month in the run-up to our favorite holiday.

A ghostly doll with white yarn hair and a gauze dress, holding a candle, looking through the pane of a gothic window.

My first grab is from Raggedy Ruth Creations. She makes doll scenes of all kinds, and when I searched for Halloween items, it was difficult not to glom everything. I settled for my favorite, this spooky ghost in a window. A good kick-off to the season!

I just had to make one more diorama.

Tiny haunted house with a creepy tree by the moonlight.

It took a lot longer than I expected it to. Like, a lot. Every day I’d wake up and think, today, I’ll finish! And I did not finish.

Tiny haunted house with lights in the windows.

I learned a lot, though. I bought a soldering kit, and soldered something, and it worked! I made my first wire tree, and was pretty pleased with the result.

Closeup of tiny haunted house with lights in the windows.

Overall, I like it, though it has too many flaws to put it in the shop. I shall happily keep it around as part of my collection. Maybe someday I’ll give it to a friend.

We had 89 trick-or-treaters! We’ve lived here three years, and the number has steadily gone up. Might have something to do with the giant (20 feet!) cat in our front yard. We’ve become so known for him, I decided I’d better get a spare before they’re no longer available. It’s this guy, if you’re wondering. He’s $50 less on Amazon, but Fraser Hill is the source.

He’s a pain to deflate for windstorms and such because his legs tangle on the re-inflate, but we had to do it last night, because those last seven ToTs ignored the closed garage and the dark porch, marched themselves right past the recycle bin blocking the path, and came to our door. Yeah, we gave ’em candy. Then we deflated the yard.

A yard full of deflated inflatables.

So apparently it’s NoBloPoMo? Which I guess is November Blog Post Month, or something. NaNoWriMo has much to answer for. Well guys, I just posted for 30 days straight, so I’m not sure you’re gonna get every day for November. But the car is still in the shop, so I suppose I have to fill my time somehow.

And there’s Hallowvember to consider, right?

This jack-o-spider from Pills Against Boredom left me in awe. I know how to needle felt, but I’ve never had the patience to get something so solid and smooth and gorgeous.

Felted spider with a pumpkin body.

Look at him! LOOOOK! I would love him and squeeze him and call him George, but I don’t want to ruin him (though he doesn’t seem particularly fragile) and I’m not sure George suits. Maybe Arbogast?

I don’t think I ever shared this when I made it, because it would have been a letterboxing spoiler. Letterboxers, especially in the PNW, love gatherings. After I’d moved to Florida in 2015, some friends back home requested I make a special box for their Halloween event. This would not be planted in the woods like most boxes, but shared at the table during the event. I got a notification that it was shared just recently, which made me so happy! I figure eight years on, I’m safe to share it here.

Large, evil book from the top, sporting a pentagram with skulls at the points.
Closeup of evil book.

I loved making this thing so much. This might be the first time I used Verday Metal Paint, which is still available from Sandra Evertson. Love this stuff.

Screaming Grimoire contains FOUR magical items of great power. Choose wisely.
Six corroded coffins nestled inside the book.

The book contained six coffin boxes…but only four had stamps in them. The other two had screamers. I wonder if the batteries are still good?

When I first got into polyclay, I bought a book by Donna Kato that showed how to make an inro (pronounced eenyoh) box. The clay I used was too soft, and I wasn’t experienced enough. Also, instructions in books, eh. But recently she’s started a Youtube channel! And with that, she uploaded a video tutorial, which I’ll include below.

So I finally made my first inro box!

Inro box in Halloween pastels.

It’s in Halloween colors, of course, with a little raven charm on the bottom.

Inro box open

I used Cernit, which is translucent with that mottled appearance you see. The box is by no means perfect, but I am certainly pleased with my first effort. Here is Donna showing you how to make your own: