A Month of Spookdays

Dangit, I knew I forgot something when I uploaded my last video. My preciousssss blog!

Two cabochons with creepy skulls and black frames.  One has a little glitter.

This week I used the Little Windows cabochon kit again, and it did not disappoint. I love these.

Tomorrow, the Countdown to Halloween begins. This year, I’m using a prompt list from a Mastodon friend, Mother Suspiria. Here it is if you’d like to follow along:

I like it because so many prompt lists try to be different by being way too specific, in weird ways. This is just straight-up Halloweeny. I’m kind of crap at drawing, so this will be 31 days of good practice.

Happy Spooky Season!

This jack-o-spider from Pills Against Boredom left me in awe. I know how to needle felt, but I’ve never had the patience to get something so solid and smooth and gorgeous.

Felted spider with a pumpkin body.

Look at him! LOOOOK! I would love him and squeeze him and call him George, but I don’t want to ruin him (though he doesn’t seem particularly fragile) and I’m not sure George suits. Maybe Arbogast?

I don’t think I ever shared this when I made it, because it would have been a letterboxing spoiler. Letterboxers, especially in the PNW, love gatherings. After I’d moved to Florida in 2015, some friends back home requested I make a special box for their Halloween event. This would not be planted in the woods like most boxes, but shared at the table during the event. I got a notification that it was shared just recently, which made me so happy! I figure eight years on, I’m safe to share it here.

Large, evil book from the top, sporting a pentagram with skulls at the points.
Closeup of evil book.

I loved making this thing so much. This might be the first time I used Verday Metal Paint, which is still available from Sandra Evertson. Love this stuff.

Screaming Grimoire contains FOUR magical items of great power. Choose wisely.
Six corroded coffins nestled inside the book.

The book contained six coffin boxes…but only four had stamps in them. The other two had screamers. I wonder if the batteries are still good?

When I first got into polyclay, I bought a book by Donna Kato that showed how to make an inro (pronounced eenyoh) box. The clay I used was too soft, and I wasn’t experienced enough. Also, instructions in books, eh. But recently she’s started a Youtube channel! And with that, she uploaded a video tutorial, which I’ll include below.

So I finally made my first inro box!

Inro box in Halloween pastels.

It’s in Halloween colors, of course, with a little raven charm on the bottom.

Inro box open

I used Cernit, which is translucent with that mottled appearance you see. The box is by no means perfect, but I am certainly pleased with my first effort. Here is Donna showing you how to make your own:
