It’s time to paint a wall!
Step 1: Paint blobs of black and white, then mix them in random directions with a brush (Stiltbeast has a good video demonstrating this technique). I go over it a couple times until I’m happy with the mix. Then I wad up some paper towel and blot. Finally, after the section has dried a little, I’ll use another wadded paper towel to soften, using a random brushing motion again.
Step 2: Use a flat brush to paint in the edges of the bricks. The lines don’t need to be complete or straight–a suggestion is better.
Step 3: Use a dry brush to put in white highlights, then black shadows. I was trying to sell a brick across the seams, but that’s not working, so I’m going to add some shading tomorrow and go with the 2/1 pattern so clear here.
The wall looks okay in the photo, and I hadn’t seen it from afar. Then I came home from picking up the Spousal Unit, and I opened the garage door from the car. It looks amazing. I don’t have to do any more if I don’t want to. It’s selling exactly the illusion I want.