Robyn Lees makes hip, spooky bits. I think she has a great design style, and I could go absolutely nuts in this store. In fact, I need to add this place to the Spousal Unit’s holiday hint file.

Clear Resin Globe with Embedded Cauldron. $11.05

Mirror Ghost Necklace, $13.81

This memorial urn includes glow-in-the-dark powder to mix with your loved one’s ashes. $62.15

Flower Sentry charm necklace, $10.86

It’s a lovely morning. The lizards are excited because one of them will get to go outside. The studio is full of tiny, resin-dipped skulls, and life is good. I hope these links make your day better.

How did I not know about this? I follow the guy for his cartoons. Also, it’s gonna be a movie.

The Bearded Lady’s Mystic Museum. Sometimes I wish I lived in SoCal. Photo credit: Horror Explorers.

New Addams Family animated movie coming

I’ve probably linked Chad Savage’s ShopSinister before. Well, here are some pins. Because.