We interrupt our usually postless weekend to direct your attention to Shellhawk’s Nest.
In short, Derek Young has started a Gofundme campaign for the Davis Graveyard. They are good folks fallen on hard times, and in danger of losing their house. A horrific personal loss for them, and an incalculable loss for the haunt community.
Cliff and Jen have already lost the haunt and the house. Now they just need a deposit on a place to live. Here is their Youcaring campaign.
I know how fortunate I am. I have been where they are, but right now, I’m living in a comfortable house in a beautiful neighborhood, and I have the disposable income to make pretty much whatever I want. So I’m going to be a bit frugal this week, and send some their way.
When humans lived in small villages, they cared for each other during hard times. We are our village.