Robyn Lees makes hip, spooky bits. I think she has a great design style, and I could go absolutely nuts in this store. In fact, I need to add this place to the Spousal Unit’s holiday hint file.

Clear Resin Globe with Embedded Cauldron. $11.05

Mirror Ghost Necklace, $13.81

This memorial urn includes glow-in-the-dark powder to mix with your loved one’s ashes. $62.15

Flower Sentry charm necklace, $10.86

It’s a lovely morning. The lizards are excited because one of them will get to go outside. The studio is full of tiny, resin-dipped skulls, and life is good. I hope these links make your day better.

How did I not know about this? I follow the guy for his cartoons. Also, it’s gonna be a movie.

The Bearded Lady’s Mystic Museum. Sometimes I wish I lived in SoCal. Photo credit: Horror Explorers.

New Addams Family animated movie coming

I’ve probably linked Chad Savage’s ShopSinister before. Well, here are some pins. Because.

The Wooden Tarot


The Wooden Tarot is not made of wood. Andrew L. Swartz originally painted them on wood, and thus the name.

Swartz uses images from nature to illustrate his 78-card deck. The style is lovely and warm, contrasting with the darkness of the subject matter.

The Devil

The Wooden Tarot is one of a trilogy of decks available on Etsy (where you can get a few other goodies) and his website, Skullgarden.