
All posts tagged 70s

About a year ago, I started working on a bunch of stuff. Among them was a retro-horror channel called Old and Spooky, where I would discuss 20th century horror. I was almost done with my first video, when disaster struck. Disaster named ADHD. I accidentally deleted my data, and thanks to Microsoft (it’s complicated, but they suck) I could only restore a tiny amount.

I was devastated. I couldn’t look at it for months.

Then I started My Messy Desk, which is a whole lot of fun. Problem is, there’s a lot of downtime while I wait for things to dry or cure or whatever, and I don’t have much else to do. I decided to work on Old and Spooky during that downtime. It felt great. It feels great. And now, the first video is out.

It’s about one of my all-time faves: Dan Curtis. If you don’t know who that is, I bet you do know Dark Shadows and the Kolchak movies, right? Well that’s Dan Curtis.

Here is my inaugural video. My reading is a little stiff, but that will get better with time. Overall, I’m pretty proud of this. *flexes*

Dan Curtis looking all cool in his leather jacket.