
All posts for the month August, 2014


Darklinks has a nice roundup of scary television coming this fall.

A nightwatchman disturbs a body-snatcher who has dropped the stolen corpse he had been carrying in a hamper, while the anatomist runs away. Etching with engraving by W. Austin, 1773.

A nightwatchman disturbs a body-snatcher who has dropped the stolen corpse he had been carrying in a hamper, while the anatomist runs away. Etching with engraving by W. Austin, 1773.

Wellcome Library releases over 100,000 medical history images. I’m linking to an article rather than Wellcome, as their navigation can use a little explanation.


Scare Factory is not exactly an unknown prop maker. What I didn’t realize is how much fun it is to watch their prop videos.


Catherine Gretschel makes amazing masks. Via Pumpkinrot.


Boy howdy to I want to see this. Looks like I’ll have to wait a while. Via rot again.


Chris Cold


I’ve been following the incredible digital artist, Chris Cold, for a few years now. With me, digital artists have to go a step further to impress me. Maybe it isn’t fair, but I have a bias. I could post just about everything he does.

Bad Luck with Quests

Bad Luck with Quests

A Shadow in Flames

A Shadow in Flames

Demon Sketch

Demon Sketch

I marked a bunch of my favorites for this post so I could choose a few. I couldn’t choose.

Lost Memories

Lost Memories

Teeth and Swords

Teeth and Swords

His work is primarily sci-fi, fantasy, and horror. Forbidding landscapes, imposing castles, fearsome creatures.





Raw, rabid emotions leap out from the digital canvas.





Calm Like A Bomb

Calm Like A Bomb

To Pierce an Evil Heart

To Pierce an Evil Heart

You can see more of his work, on deviantArt, and follow him on Facebook.



Legends of the Dead Warriors

Legends of the Dead Warriors

Perhaps best of all, you can watch him draw on his Youtube channel.

Dead Dragon

Dead Dragon

Johan Finne

Johan Finne

I went looking for Halloween tats, and got more than I bargained for. Wow, there is some beautiful work out there! I’m thinking there will be more posts on the subject. For now, I’ll leave you with several favorites.

Darcy Nutt

Darcy Nutt

Rebirth Tattoo, possibly by Coral Petrie. Why yes, the wearer does run a porn site in Alaska.

Rebirth Tattoo, possibly by Coral Petrie. Why yes, the wearer does run a porn site in Alaska.

Joshua Bowers

Joshua Bowers

Wendy Pham

Wendy Pham

John Sweeney

John Sweeney

Teresa Sharpe

Teresa Sharpe




Seattle friends, you have my envy. Your first Halloween art show is now accepting applications.


Where else can you get museum quality skull casts? Okay, a few places. Extremely detailed for your more persnickety haunter.


Fantastic props and bits for your haunt or your home.


Skull pops by David Sykes.


The surreal, ghostly photography of Christopher McKenney.


A bit on turn-of-the-century ghost rides by The Year of Halloween.


Feel like a spooky princess with this bat headband.


The Halloween Art Guild is a small community of spooky artists. I’ve been a member a while, yet I’m terrible about uploading my stuff. If you would like an invite, leave a comment.

Shirrstone Shelter

Green Lady

Green Lady

Shirrstone Shelter creates delicately-featured dolls with deep inner lives.



Often, limbs are replaced with braided-wool tentacles. Some are snake-like, coming to a point instead of fingers and toes. They suggest a magical world existing aside our own.



The dolls are created by Olga and Nikolay, from St. Petersburg, Russia.



Through trial and error, they developed a formula of liquid epoxy, powder, and pigment with which to build their dolls. Visually, the medium resembles porcelain, though it is stronger, and has a more substantial feel.



Layers of leather are added to joints, to help the doll keep poses.

Felis Manul

Felis Manul




“The world is full of half tones, and we are trying to catch them…”

Some people find abandoned amusement parks. Others explore defunct movie palaces. Me, I found an abandoned trailer park.

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And at that, it was only partially abandoned. It’s on a busy intersection, and is clearly being left to empty by attrition so the land can be sold to a developer.

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The disrepair on the occupied side was almost as bad as the abandoned. I guess children will play anywhere. I know I did.

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While I wandered, I noticed a guy in a Cadillac patrolling the grounds.  He wasn’t bothered by my pictorial adventure.

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I’m the one who should have been bothered, but I didn’t always realize what I was seeing on site. I didn’t even notice the syringes until I looked at the photos later.

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I did notice the bullet holes.

Mostly, I was concentrating on shapes and colors. There were bright blocks, and shiny next to tattered.

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It held an air of desolation, no different than that abandoned amusement park, but perhaps more desperate.

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