Skull Props

Zane Wylie likes to carve skulls. Human skulls. Then he’ll kindly let you buy a very nice copy. Yes, they’re a little spendy for casual shopping, but great for a very special occasion.  Like, say, a 15th anniversary? Hint hint to the Spousal Unit?

My Secret Pumpkin spoiled the hell outta me. It felt like my birthday as I unwrapped all the beautiful presents. They are really tuned into my taste. Some of this is stuff I’ve wanted, but not bought because I wasn’t going to get one more Halloween thing that year. And despite being completely my taste, I don’t already have any of it. Which, yeah, shouldn’t be a surprise, but it is. Heh. Don’t judge. I specifically remember seeing that snowglobe and whimpering a little as I passed it up. So this is amazing, and I am giddy.  Thank you, SP!

I keep wanting to do a full feature on death’s head watches, but can’t seem to find the time. Heh. So here are some pictures and links.

Memento Mori in the Golden Age of Piracy. Scroll a little for the watches.

The Macabre History of Death’s Head Watches

Hayden Peters on memento mori jewelry in general

And a few more pics from here and there:

It’s that time of year when we are farthest from our favorite holiday–which means it’s Secret Pumpkin time!

This year I got to make something for Pixel Pixie, who I actually know IRL. I have always wanted to spookify a box, but I was especially  inspired by the work of Jamie Moore.

Of course, my stuff looks nothing like hers, but hey, that’s how inspiration works for me.

I didn’t take a picture, but this was originally a vintage Christmas box with kind of a weird Santa painting.

I gave it a fresh coat of paint, then I hand-painted the front and sides. The back and inside (except for the starry sky) are lined with pretty paper, and the whole thing got some satin lacquer.  This was a blast to do, and I’ve been collecting jewelry boxes from thrift stores so I can do more makeovers.