
All posts for the month September, 2014

Marilyn Radzat

Shadow Dancer

Shadow Dancer

Marilyn Radzat has been creating incredible fantasy dolls for 35 years.

Sunrise Sea Dragon

Sunrise Sea Dragon

Many of her costumes are “hardscapes;” gowns created in plaster, and heavily mosaiced with glass, mirrors, pearls, shells, and other items. Material comes from her extensive collection of antique fabrics.

Winter's Dream

Winter’s Dream


Goddess of the Fourth Chakra

Goddess of the Fourth Chakra

Hands are often sculpted to form a Toaist blessing.

Phoenix Rising

Phoenix Rising



Scorpio (detail)

Scorpio (detail)

While she is not currently teaching, all of her classes are available for download.

The Offering

The Offering

The Offering (detail)

The Offering (detail)

As you can probably guess, my favorites are her vampires.

The Winter's Bride

The Winter’s Bride




RadiusZero creates colorful, moody work filled with complex characters.



Loup Garou

Loup Garou

Works cover a wide range of styles, from Lowbrow to Art Deco.



Spider King

Spider King

Original characters are interspersed with fanart….

Naughty or Nice

Naughty or Nice



….and some familiar faces.

Midnight Carnival

Midnight Carnival Album Cover

Plus, I discovered a new band I like.

Gothic Queen 2

Gothic Queen 2


So I had this dream (WAIT, DON’T STOP READING, I’LL BE BRIEF) full of dead people. So much so that when I woke up I had to check on Nathan Fillion. Phew! That’s the thing about getting older–the folks that die on you live forever in your dreams. It’s okay–kind of nice to have a visit. So I’m teasing my Grandpa Leo about his Betamax tapes, and looking around my grandparents’ house. On a shelf, I see that Grandma has received a bunch of handmade Halloween cards from relatives. OMG I AM SO FILLED WITH ENVY. This envy did not fade upon awakening.  I decided I must contrive a way to get me some Halloween cards.

So here’s the thing.

I’m making a bunch of stuff for this year’s Month of Spookdays. I cannot, and do not, want to keep it all. Some stuff will be too delicate or otherwise impractical to mail, but just about everything else: out da door! But how to decide where it goes? I know–let’s have a show! Just kidding. Let’s have a raffle! To enter this raffle, you must send me things. Because I am greedy, and my grandmother didn’t even like Halloween, so WHY SHOULD SHE GET THE DAMNED CARDS?!   On Halloween, when all the projects have been posted, I shall draw. The first name out gets first choice of stuff. Second draw, second, and so on.

Do I only want handmade Halloween cards? Heck no, though that would be awesome. Just send a card. Greeting card, trading card, drawing on a napkin, I do not care. All I care about is that it’s spooky and/or Halloween themed.

Does this mean that only people who send me cards will get stuff? That depends. I expect about three people will send me a card, so those three people will get first choice. I’ll probably still give stuff away to my friends after that. But if lots of people send cards, my friends are out of luck. Hear that, friends? Better bribe me, just in case!

In a nutshell:

  1. If you want to participate, leave a comment with a good email address, telling me you’d like in on the raffle, and I will send you my mailing address. The world will not see your email address, only I will.
  2. Send me a spooky and/or Halloween themed card of some type. I will cut off entries on October 20th (EDIT: I decided this deadline is nuts–I don’t need that long to organize things. New deadline: October 29). Note: YES, I WILL POST YOUR CARD ON SPOOKY MOON. Keep that in mind when you send me a vampire penis.
  3. Everyone who sends a card gets their name in the hat. On October 31, I will post a list of the available items, and start drawing. This part will be slow, since the drawee must choose an item before I can draw the next. If someone doesn’t respond in a reasonable amount of time, I’ll move on to the next person. I will try to nag responses out of folks as quickly as possible.

Yes, this means you won’t get your Halloween stuff for this Halloween. But c’mon, you’re reading this blog. Do you seriously put your Halloween stuff away after October?

I am footing postage for the items I send out, so don’t worry about that. It is my gift to you. In exchange for a gift from you.

Blame Grandma.
