I have a serious weakness for web surfing; the old-fashioned kind, where you find a list of links, follow them to their link lists, etc. I especially love doing this on ancient sites with tacky gifs, garish backgrounds, and midi files.  Sure, 90% of the links no longer exist, but sometimes you find the most delicious, creaky things.

Click on Free Games and play Ghostscape!

Meddybemps has a bunch of Halloween silliness.

I am so happy that this domain name is still occupied by a bunch of little prognosticators and games.

Remember those sites full of random, clickable gifs? Warning: you’ll have to highlight the text if you want to read it against those backgrounds.

Recipes, gifs, and a spooky “tour”–everything you could want! You will probably get midi download pops, because they no longer work inline. They are likely safe. Well, I’ve been enjoying them.

That’s enough for now, but trust me…I have more. So much more. I should start an Angelfire site.

One of my spooky dreams is to someday have a seance with full special effects. Unleash Your Dreams has the props to make it a reality. Everything they make is just beautiful. Much of it is PK (Psycho-kinetic…er…magnetic) reactive and ready to move, flicker, knock, and generally be magical.  The catalog is a little strange, but fun to browse through. Get a good look at many of the props from their Youtube videos.

Rapping Hand


Spirit Lamp

Happy Friday, my spooksters! St. Augustine is not only the first permanent European settlement in the US, it’s a cool, quirky place. We only had a few hours when we drove through on our way from Sarasota to Rockville, so of course the one place I chose to visit was the wax museum.

Just look at that handsome fella!

If you can visit, do! But I digress. The first link today I found not an hour ago in my Facebook feed. Enjoy, and have a spooky weekend!

Taxidermy Automata by Mark Mills

Halloween Haul culture. I totally get this.

Map of Home Haunters for 2017

Vintage Halloween – vintage style goodies, including lots of Johanna Parker

Fiesta’s Halloween Ware. I’ll take one of each, please.

Lesley Bannatyne writes many things about Halloween

OMG the Pyramid Collection’s Halloween stuff is out!

Now, normally, I check the mail, and catalogs go in the recycling before they make it to the house, because temptation and I are BFFs. The Spousal Unit checked the mail, and handed me the catalog. Oops. He offered to recycle it later, but by then I’d glimpsed the wonders, and it was too late.  I clutched it to my chest and hissed: “mine!”

There are tons of beautiful costumes, but that’s not really my thing. What I love is the spooky-themed clothing you can wear anywhere. Well, if you’re me.

Ms. Bones Dress

Skeleton Poncho

Spiderweb Lace Maxi Dress

Gothic Rose Spiderweb Hat

Glow in the Dark Skeleton Dress

Bats Fringed Poncho

Black Widow Shoes

I could spend about $6,000 right now, but I’m being frugal for my meetup with Ms. Misantropia in New York next month.  I hope some of these items (those shoooooes!) stay in stock long enough for me to grab them later.

I have recently developed a serious tendre for Halloween blow molds. Even the Spousal Unit likes them. They are lighthearted fun. I display ours in the foyer (yes, I call it a foyer. I also call the first room the formal parlor) so I see them right when I come downstairs in the morning. It’s a good way to start the day.

Some have lights right now, some don’t, but all are easily fixed, and I’ll light them later.

Back row, left to right:

  • General Foam Light Up Skeleton, Gray Cape Edition, early 2000s
  • Empire Plastics Cat on a Pumpkin, late 1990s
  • Union Products Witch Candle, designed by Don Featherstone, 2006
  • Union Products Bela Lugosi, designed by Don Featherstone, early 2000s

Front row:

  • Bayshore Jack-o-Lantern on Cat, 1960s
  • Bayshore Haunted House Lamp, 1960s
  • Empire Pumpkin Man, 1969
  • Empire 22″ Pumpkin, 1990s
  • Union Carry Jack, 2000s, on top of two General Foam Big Jacks, 2011
  • Haunted House Lamp (see below)

The orange Haunted House Lamp is hard to pin down. Companies sold molds to each other, so this could have been Bayshore, Empire, or General Foam, and manufactured anywhere from 1960 to 2011. Mine has an odd paint job, but those vary.

Why is Don Featherstone important enough to be mentioned? Because in 1957, he designed the iconic pink flamingo. Even if he hadn’t had that distinction, his blow molds designs are unusual enough to catch attention.

I love these things, and could probably fill a house with them. For now, a corner will do.